In Fire City there is fire spreading, you and your fire team will have to save it by shooting as many fireballs as possible.Every time you destroy a fireball you will get caps to upgrade your truck by having more jets of water available. The city needs you!With the Top Score you can challenge your friends to see who is the best firefighter.Aim and shoot the fireballsStay focused and progress level by level while saving the city-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------In Fire City there is fire spreading, you and your fire team will have to save it by shooting as many fireballs as possible.Every time you destroy a fireball you will get caps to upgrade your truck by having more jets of water available. The city needs you!Take aim and shoot the fireballsStay focused and progress level by level while saving the cityWith the Top Score you can challenge your friends to see who is the best firefighter.-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------En Fire City se está propagando el fuego, tú y tu equipo de bomberos tendréis que save it disparando tantas bolas de fuego as sea posible.Cada vez que destruyas una bola de fuego, obtendrás tapas para mejorar tu camión al tener más chorros de agua disponibles. ¡La ciudad te necesita!Apunta y dispara las bolas de fuegoMantente concentrado y progresa nivel a nivel mientras salvas la ciudad.With the puntuación máxima puedes desafiar a tus amigos para ver quién es el mejor bombero.